Our lovely and talented Nika Chica has had her 8th birthday and I am now 29! We share a birthday which has always been the greatest birthday gift ever. Each time one of my children have a birthday it feels like my birthday again because they are such precious gifts.
To my "fabulous" Nika (she likes that High School Musical song because she is my resident drama mama... in a hilarious Zsa Zsa silliness sort of way), you are one of the most compassionate, exquisite, self-less, kindest, Christ-like child I have ever met. I am so honored to be your mother and friend. I have no idea how I became so lucky to be blessed by your presence everyday. You have amazing gifts and talents that I love watching them grow and develop. I used to be worried that Nika may want her "own" birthday one day, but every year she just absolutely makes my birthday wonderful without even trying. She so willingly "shares" this day and although I try to make it all about her... she always corrects everyone... "Not my birthday, OUR birthdays" I've always tried to make my children's birthdays all about that person but they so willingly make it everyone's day! I'm so pleased with each of them and their sweet, unique gorgeous spirits. Thanks for sharing this month with us! Now we're off to Spring!
Happy Birthday to you TWO, Happy Birthday to you TWO, Happy Birthday wonderful gals!!!! Hey Sara, I am threatening now to call you soon!!! ok? Good. I need to talk to you. I really REALLY Need to talk to you!
I feel like I just keep writing Happy Birthday on your blog! LOL! So I'm just wondering here... everytime you walk by the bakery (from March to April) do you just say "Same cake but this time with these names?" Hahaha! JOKING!! Your house must be like one month long birthday par-tay. Hehehe! Speaking of which I have to come up with an awesome party idea for hubby. He'll be 30 on Mothers Day. got any prank ideas I could do to him?? They don't have to be nice b/c I'm not a nice wife. :) Im def gonna do a surprise party but time is ticking & I have no orginal ideas happening in this head. So if you can think of a cool "gotcha idea's" please do tell.
Happy Birthday to both of you!
Happy Birthday to 2 sweet little girls!
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