YIPPEE!!!! I'm important to someone! ;0) Oh and yes, you have to sing the title (just like the tv show... why? Because I sing everything). he he Okay I have never really figured out how to post links and one of the rules of the award is to link back to it's creator. Hopefully I won't be stripped of the title...will I have to give back the sash? =0(
Miss Andrea
http://thehappyhippychronicles.blogspot.com is the sweetheart who has bestowed this honor (you've got to swing by her place...her place is always hopping & a fun riot). This is what she wrote about me, " Sara/Sofa at Precious Monkeys & Little Wonders because she is NEVER afraid to "grab the bull by the horns", she ain't perfect and dang proud of it, she has shared her "adoption up & downs" no holds barred, and when I look at her...I see myself."
It's funny because I look at her and see a 7th long lost sister. I never realized I was proud of my mistakes but come to think of it... I totally am. They make for some seriously funny stories when you can get over the initial sting and I guess I've always just had to share. With her, I can imagine myself at her place, making cookies in my underpants (j/j ;0) getting dirty, riding horses and loving it. Thank you for this honor, chicita mamita supreme-ita. Love ya.
http://www.thebabblingsofmere.blogspot.com/Here are the Smile Award rules:
1. The recipient must link back the the award's creator (see babblings of mere above).
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award, as posted by Mere.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude (not necessarily at all times--we are all human).
Is wacky considered cheerful? ;0)2. Must love one another.
I think I qualify there... I even love slugs... boogers are another story though.3. Must make mistakes.
HA HA Epitomy over here!4. Must learn from others.
That is what kept me out of major trouble as a kid (thanks siblings for your hard earned mistakes. haha) and what still keeps me out of some major hard times.5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
I think I'm just here for entertainment but hey, that works.6. Must love life.
LOVE IT... just don't know if I can fit everything in to it I want to... need about another 100 years!7. Must love kids.
Hmmm waited until last to put this one... is it because you wanted us in a lovey mood or what!? ha ha Who couldn't love them... they are like having every kind of animal in the world rolled into one plus they think on their own which makes them forever wild... and you don't have to have an exotic animal license. Just kidding kiddos... I love you for eternity.To Pick 5! Hmmmm How in the world do you pick?!Miss Tisra over at
http://lifetrain.blogspot.com/ because of her charity, virtue, sweet soft spoken kindness she gives to everyone, her love of the environment, her dedication to her children... she is someone I strive to be like and has given me hope many times whether she's known it or not. You are awe inspiring and such an example to me.
Miss Courtney over at
http://scstjohnson.blogspot.com/ because she makes me laugh harder than most (manna from heaven) and she can post where you can see the eyes of the world through 2 amazing boys and witness a great amount of love just brewing all over the place. Also because she is real! Her boys get dirty, enjoy life, get serious ouchies and she just goes with the flow and is a great "life driver". Kudos to you Miss Zany Thang. You ROCK!
Miss Judy K over at
http://wonderchildherewecome.blogspot.com/ because of her unconditional love and charity towards others. She has always been a great example of how to be just in awe of your children. She is so nuturing and looks hot while she's at it! ;0) She's not afraid to show the "real side" of her children with full on pictures of temper tantrums etc. It makes me laugh and feel normal. ha ha You are so self-less... yes you are and you're going to have to admit it one day! Enjoy the m&m's ;0)
Miss Louanne over at
http://www.dwimble.com because of her love for nature and her absolutely gorgeous thousand watt smile (not kidding... she beems). She glows of love and loves to take pictures of everything (simple things... everything... my favorite) loves baking and going to the zoo but most importantly loves with all her heart. Her daughter is just radiant and I can see that reflection in her mother's eyes. What a beautiful family and an example to the world you are.
Miss Sarah W over at
http://journeytohannahclaire.blogspot.combecause I have never met someone with such a sweet spirit as you. You remind me of a sweet soft angel and I love your laugh. You have this way of shining and I always collect the coolest ideas from you and you never mind sharing. You love with your whole heart and you make the most of every moment. You are one of the most optimistic women I have ever seen. I love how you just remind me of a gentle breeze and dreamer who always seems to keep her head on her shoulders. You remind me of my mama (that is a serious compliment).
Miss Sarah K over at
http://taiwankiddo2.blogspot.com/ because of her amazing sense of humor (you had my husband laughing so hard because you say hidden funny remarks all the time), her love of life and others and fiery need to defend all that is right! You my friend, have always made it your duty and passion to help other as well as give a "spoon full of sugar with all that medicine". You don't candy-coat but you have always given more than hope... you given joy and blessings to those around you. You never make me feel wierd for talking about the craziest things and I love laughing with ya. You wish the best for your children and put everything you are into the world around you. I love ya sista.
Okay so I picked 6. Urgh, we were supposed to pick only 5? Oops!