"Mom, does Appa have a cleft lip?"
"I not booty-full... I Alpha Pig!"
Nika wrote her deepest Jedi-wishes on her school library book mark.
Mama was teaching Kole about needs people may have & he asked if Appa had a cleft lip & needed surgery. He was very concerned that we needed to take care of Appa's needs....Appa is the Shih-tzu & his bottom teeth come over his upper lip.
Jadyn has the talent of morphing into new Super Heroes whenever Mama blinks. FYI: AlphaPig is on Super Why?... pbskids.org
Kole had homework the other day from preschool. It was "have your parents discuss these cards". One was a picture of a hammer. "Kole, what is this?" "A Hammer." "Kole what does a hammer do?" "It hams." "Mommy, why are you laughing?"
Milana has yet to comment on these events. hehe

Today was Dentist Day for the kids. We went to a dentist who is from Taiwan and showed her pictures of Milana (I know, you guys don't even get to see them... soon, very soon). Anyways, I scared her half to death when I joked that we were going to rent a scooter & sight-see because my husband rides motorcycles ! Although, it still sounds tempting, nixing the scooter for a "safer" taxi will probably be our plan. For those new to Taiwanese drivers, the rules of the road go like this (so I've heard).
Whoever gets the nose of their vehicle in the spot first has the right of way. Yield? Who has ever heard of Yield? Military vehicles always have right of way and they know it. Next buses, trucks, etc. since they are bigger... obviously size matters here. And on the bottom of the totem pole... you guessed it Pedestrians!!!! You wanna see how fast I run?!?! p.s. Never trust the signals... run like you have a fire in your pants & when in doubt... get a taxi just to cross the street!
P.S. Here is what people mean by Spit Fire!! Look at Jadyn's face! MAAAADDDDD!
Appa took my Spa Day?!@#

Too cute! I love to see things through their eyes. Hold on to the undie photos - good blackmail someday!
It sounds like you have a lot of fun in your family. That's the kind of thing that your kids will remember and carry with them for a lifetime. Good stuff.
I love how you enjoy the little moments in a day! You love life, love what God has given you, and you remind others (me) to keep taking those little moments with the kids! Happy Thanksgiving!
I love the Jedi one and the alpha pig... but Jedi wins in my book!!!!! LOL... love it!!!! You gotta love what kids come up with.. crazy critters!!!!
Love ya, Sarah k
HA!HA!HA!! Oh my goodness, I am still laughing out loud! The one about Kole asking about the dog's "cleft lip" just about knocked me over... (Samuel, my 3 year old, is often asking me if people/animals/younameit have hemangiomas-- how do they KNOW this stuff?? Oh yeah, we talk about it all the time!) :)
Thanks for the laugh.
Happy to know that we aren't the only family who dresses up in costume outside of Halloween and in our undies too! Priceless!!!
I felt sure that I would come to your blog and see court/travel news. It can't be much longer Sara...I know it's hard and I am so sorry. It makes it more emotional when others in your time frame our getting their news... You've GOT to be getting closer! Hang in there, and know that we are all waiting right along with you and can't wait to for you to get your news. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and get some more funny shots of those kiddos!
Next year you will have another turkey to add to your bunch!
Bless Your Heart... I have a house full of Jedi's!
I love the pictures!
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