Star Wars Christmas explosion

Nika is shocked she finally was allowed to have Polly Pcokets (parts... small parts, enough said)

Jadyn giving Great Grandpa some sugar

How many girls can you fit on your pot shelves?

Christmas morn at Grandma's... look at my fairy Princess & the others... why look at cameras when there are cool things everywhere.

This one is just funny. My husband has been lifting weights (yup I spot him... for some reason men at his work think that is hilarious) and this shirt is way too tight in the arms... I was laughing so hard with him/at him. It barely covered his stomach because his muscles have gotten so big in his chest... he's going to kill me when he's sees this on here. He finally understands girls' tight armpit clothes.

I'm so thankful this Christmas for all of my family & the time we've spent together. I have to say I'm also thankful for all of those who have posted their Christmas memories, wishes & adventures; why? Because I needed an extra dose of Christmas spirit when you know one little person is not here that needs to be.
For Christmas, we had our annual family dinner with my husband's mother's side of the family. Jadyn found a lovely little two year old cousin to romp it up with and I have no idea what they "say" to each other, but they were in stitches with laughter.
Kole & Nika round around with their cousins singing karaoke and dressing up. Jadyn kept snagging cookies... we still have no idea how many she ate! I was seriously loving all the food... that is one of my favorite parts! I love when everyone brings over their favorite treats & I get to try all these new goodies.
The night before Christmas, we not only were able to read the story of Jesus Christ's birth and have the children really pay attention, WE READ THREE!!!! WOOHOO! We actually end up telling the story all month long as soon as the manger scene comes out... although we have to buy them each their own because they always end up arguing over who gets baby Jesus. Jesus and arguing don't really go together so we have to figure something out.
We also had our family Christmas which isn't very chaotic at all but ends up like a tornado hit the house with scraps of paper... I still need to vacuum the small ones! We had family Christmas dinner with my husband's family and then played Rock Band... I've never played that before. I'm not good at the guitar and I didn't try the drums but I can sing (well not as good as before I hurt my vocal chords a year ago, but decent) and read those super fast words across the screen. I even sang Metallica! ... um I didn't know he hit notes. James, Lars and the other ones I can't remember your names, I apologize. How in the world did Metallica get in my Christmas post?
Anyways, my sister Rakel came out a few days before Christmas and it was so good to see her and Uncle Aaron.. the kids really miss you chasing them around. Thank you for their gifts... the Star Wars guys have not left their sides, day or night. Uncle Christian, the kids were thrilled to have you come over as well... you have to be Darth again & have them gang up on you! That was hilarious... man why didn't I remember the camera... oh yeah, I was laughing too hard. It was like Attack of The Jedi Ewoks!
I splurged and went and bought clothes & toys for Milana... I don't know what size she really is but it was clearance and I can stuff them in what is hopefully her last care package & then she's coming home... right?! We wrapped her Christmas gifts but we just couldn't open them without her... the kids & I just couldn't do it. We're going to wait until she's home.... it was just too hard.
So Merry Christmas my friends, family and just someone who wanted to read... may you have the feeling of joy that this season was made for! =0) Sara
p.s. New Year's resolution... cut down on my length of my posts! ha ha