Wow...what a day. I love inaugurations. No matter who wins the Presidency, I know they truly this nation. I love how we can change hands peacefully and truly hope that each President will guide wisely.
I want my children to understand the importance of this day. I need them to know not only the significance of every President, but what an honor it is to witness a nation put aside it's prejudices and join in united cause for our country. I've been feeding them tidbits but mostly to Nika because at almost nine years old, she holds more understanding of it's significance. Last night I asked her if she knew what important day was tomorrow; I gave her some clues but her mind drew a blank.
Here Kole pipes up, listening while playing with his toys on the ground, "Obama becomes President of the United States of America tomorrow."... only looking up once to see if we were listening. My husband was doing the dishes and dropped the plate in the sink laughing and I just stood there asking if he really just said that! It was too funny. He says things beyond his age and it is absolutely adorable. So Mr. President ... you are definitely in the hearts & minds of 4 year olds. They depend on you greatly, lead well. Please.
Last night, I had a pretty great dream. Taiwan allowed me to borrow Milana for one day (don't ask what that means because I have no idea... it's a dream). It was so amazing, I didn't like waking up but when I did, I was left with a very good feeling. She came in all shy but warmed up so quickly to all the children and just wanted to play and giggle. And we got to know her and videotape her being tickled with all the others on the floor. I was privileged to hold her, kiss her, rock her and feed her. It was a truly awesome dream and felt so very real. I can't wait for all of it to come true (minus the borrowing part... that made no sense). I normally never say "can't wait" as everyone usually always can... but really.... I AM beyond that can't wait stage.
Oh one more mouths of babes: When I told Jadyn to watch and wave when President Bush left in the helicopter, I said, "Look they're leaving." Jadyn asked, "To go bring Milana home?!"
Nika is having a bit of a rough time... she had a few episodes last week where she was crying each day and said she can't wait any longer. She said it just hurts too badly. I let her take a collage of pictures of Milana to school with her so she would have her near her all day. I received advice from a friend to allow her to go shopping for Milana and also make a book or two of pictures etc. Since she is my eldest, everything I encounter with her is a first in the Great Book of Momma Sara, so if you have anymore advice to keep her hopeful... I'd love to hear it. Thanks everyone and have a wonderful day! =0)
OOhHH! My friend posted this awesome video of Martin Lurther King's speech on her blog: I Have A Dream Thanks Sarah W.
MLK has always been a part of my childhood; my Mother was born on his actual birthday of January 15th. I was always happy to know the answer of his true birthday and not just the federal holiday. Since we've been sick (we're well now.. WOOHOO), I've been behind a bit. Happy Birthday to one the greatest women I have every known and who will ever exist on this earth. You are an angel and I love you so much. You deserve so much but always ask for so little. I can't wait for you to come out and watch the children for the week we are in TW so not only do you get to spoil your Grandbabies, but you'll be right front and center when your little Milana Grandbaby arrives as well. Happy Birthday Mommy.
Merry Christmas 2019
5 years ago
Isn't it just amazing what these kiddos pick up?! I hear you loud and clear...
How wonderful that you had a dream about your precious daughter. Sara, I used to dream that I could hear Allie crying and I couldn't find her. It would drive my husband nuts because I would sob in my sleep until either he woke me up or I would wake up out of my dream. I'm so glad that yours was a happy one...
I'll ask my boys what they felt helped them to pass the time while we were waiting and see what they come back with. I'll let you know!
SO MAN times when I was pregnant, I had dreams like that. It was always about the baby being allowed out via some c-section type surgery only to be put back in. I never understood why the baby was taken out in the first place and why I had to wait. it stunk even more that I wasn't allowed to know what the gender was. Dreams are WEIRD. I had a pregnancy dream this week- related, surely, to adoption being non-stop on my mind. You've inspired me to post mine.
We were busy during the inauguration and I feel bad that I missed it! I'll have to find it online or something. Truly a piece of history!
"SO MANY", I meant to say
Your posts are always a bright light and I'm so grateful that you share your experiences. I just betcha there are many of us who have dreamt of our children while adopting...probably more than we might imagine!
I also wanted to share that to help Lauren pass the time I had her dictate a "book" to me. The book is called, "The Story of Lauren and Her Baby Brother." There are 3(small)chapters which loosely mark different developmental stages and each page has its own sentence or two typed onto it. For instance, one of the pages says, "When my baby brother comes home, I can help in so many ways." "I can make him laugh when he is fussy." etc....."I can read board books to him." etc...
Now we are in the illustration phase and she is adding pictures to each page. When it is done we plan to color copy it & laminate a copy for each kiddo. (one for us too!) During the long days of waiting, it has been so helpful and helped to make both him and her role as a big sis more concrete.
Maybe that is something your oldest would like?
Take much care!
That's so great! Good for you teaching your kids the importance of times like these. Doesn't matter if we agree or disagree, it is a great and historic moment in time.
I'm glad you're all feeling better! I think we caught your bug...
Happy birthday, Sara's mommy!!
It doesn't take a psychoanalyst to read the common thread of aching for Milana in this post. This little girl has got to come home soon!
Oh, your children sound like they must be so much fun to be around! Isn't it amazing the important things they pick up on...
And I really hope you have Milana home where she belongs soon, her family obviously needs her very badly! And maybe your dream is a glimpse of the magic to come SOON, except the giving back part, that's NOT in the script! It must be such a hard wait for all of you.
And thanks for your kind comments on my blog, very much appreciated! And I'm glad to see you’re getting things back to normal after that nasty bug! My thoughts were with you, YUCK! Simone has yet to get a tummy bug, but I'll be referring to your flu kit when the time comes.
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