Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Save Handmade Toys

Handmade Toy Alliance
A new law is going into effect to make toys safer as well as clothes. I am all for safe clothes and toys. Although I am for safe toys and clothes, I do not feel handmade clothes and toys should be effected, especially if the fabrics and materials purchased for these toys, etc. have already been tested, purchased in the U.S.. So many people have created stay at home jobs from online businesses of selling handmade items. I am not concerned about the safety from my handmade blanket from my child's Grandmother.

If you wish to help, please vote at this link below... change.org

Another way to help: Craftsbury Kids This is the site belonging to the woman on the youtube video on Change.org. She has listed ways to help.

This is a link to a blog that shows how many online stores will be effected, including online booties, clothes, hats.... everything. Just Add Charm

If you vote, some stores are giving away some prizes.

As I sit and really think about this, I have to edit my post. This is a cruel law (at least emotionally for me). As a child of ten siblings (and ...I love you Dad... a father who had very ill money managing skills...gambling), I grew up well below the poverty line. We barely had food, and lived off of what little we had through donations and food stamps. My mother would put our food out and leave the room without any for herself; she would wait until we had finished and eat what was left on our plates. We never asked for seconds... not only because we didn't really have it, but because it would take food from someone else (more than likely my mother). I was so starved, I would eat the dog and cat food and if we visited other peoples' homes, I searched out their dog food as well. My mother would cut up old clothes to patch the ones that were repairable. We would be naked without used clothes from Goodwil, Deseret Industries, Salvation Army, yard sales, and donations. I can't imagine the added expense of new clothes to my family's empty purse.

All of these places I mentioned that kept my family from being naked will be effected by this new law. I am not for lead poisoning; it is very serious and sad. There just has to be another way without punishing the many poor people who do live in America.

Also, my friend asked for a tattoo explanation of hubby's tats... will be the next post. =0)

1 comment:

Sarah k said...

Hey sweetie.. I totally agree but your links are broken!! I want to help so let me know when this is up...